The capture and dissimination of mental spewage.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

When the going gets tough, the tough get weird.

Looks like the wacky machine has come home.

So Al-Qaeda appears to want Spain back. Back? Just because your digs in the mountains of Pakistan suck doesn't mean you have to go build a beach house in Andalusia.

So G.W. is send more troops to Iraq. You can almost hear the collective tears of the upcoming Republican defeat this far out from the election. Not that he's wrong to try to prop up and finish what he's started but at this point... well, what is this point of it anyways?

Oh yes, it may not be WWIII (or IV or some other numeral) but it certainly is getting even more bloody with even more participants. The latest is Iraq's poster boy Sadr. It appears he is ready to send 1,500 of his 'elite fighters' to fight along side of Hezbollah. At least that's 1,500 less bomb makers for the US to fight in Iraq.

How would Sadr get to Lebanon anyways? Oh, that's right, through the porous and complicit Syrian border. The same way the missles get there. While everyone else seems to be rushing to Lebanon it appears the guy who started it all, Nasrallah, is holding up not with the dying Lebanese but in the comfy world of Syria. He appears to be conducting talks with Iran and Syria on how to best keep his troops supplied with weapons and missles. So much for that Democratic Iraq buffer zone.

All this and Landis tested positive for steroids. Sacre Bleu!


Blogger Sara said...

Don't jump to conclusions. Give Landis a moment and wait till the second sample comes back. Ssshhh now. Maybe he really is superhuman and has high levels?!?!? Remember his hip and the meds for that as well, we can not all climb the bikewagon now!
Is the thought of an acutal athlete long lost?
Sar (heh, i can not keep matts nickname for me hidden any longer as i feel so left out of the loop lol)

10:46 AM


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